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urban cinder block planter

August 17

On my recent visit to London, England while strolling down hip, off-the-beaten-tourist-path Marylebone High Street, this simple yet eye-catching modern planter gracing the storefront of TOAST, constructed of painted cinder block, caught my eye.

cinder block planter london UK - saf affect

cinder block planter detail 2 - saf affect

cinder block planter detail 1 - saf affect

Straight-forward enough to make with some liquid nails, gravel, soil, some mesh or other blocking material for the open bottoms, and easy-to-care for succulents and ornamental grasses, this thrifty design would be at home in any urban garden. Here are a few other designs I found about the ‘net’, each taking a bit of a different twist on this usually utilitarian building material –  integrating fencing, benches, water, or highlighting the graphic mortar lines. Certainly easy enough to tackle as an end-of-summer outdoor project.

cinder block planter - pinterest*unknown

(Source unknown – via Pinterest)

thrifty fun

(Thrifty Fun – click through for DIY instructions)

Julie Maigret

(Source Unknown)

Cinderblock-Wall-Form-LA - Potted


7 Comments leave one →
  1. August 17 9:40 am

    That first one is quite unexpectedly elegant for being made from cinder blocks.

    • August 17 9:44 am

      Indeed, incredible what can be achieved with a basic building product. Hope you’re well and are having a great summer, Corinna!

  2. Cheryl permalink
    June 15 6:49 pm

    Hi, I really like this.What kind of paint would you use? Would I need a primer?

    • June 16 8:33 am

      Great ideas for one’s own home can come from anywhere – even just walking down the street!

      Such a good question for you to ask me as a couple of my social media and design clients are paint brands ( and 😉 Using tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) and a scrub brush, clean the surface, as any oil or grease will bleed through the paint. Use ready mix concrete to patch any holes if the concrete blocks are older or damaged. When completely dry, prime the surface with a high-adhesion primer.

  3. Anonymous permalink
    October 21 11:45 am

    I’d like to know how long these bricks lasted before the paint peeled. Wouldn’t you need concrete sealer and special concrete paint?

    • October 21 11:58 am

      Indeed, when concrete is properly prepared for painting/primed and a paint specifically formulated for use on exterior cinder block is used, the finish should last for a long time.


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