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all I want for christmas is … new hardwood floors!

November 20

After living for years with original, late ’90s builder’s-basic broadloom in my condo, I finally got what I wanted for many Christmases – new engineered hardwood flooring! While I am still playing with layouts and there’s still lots of unpacking to be done, I thought I’d share how absolutely pleased I am with my new Torlys Everest Elite engineered hardwood American Walnut floors from Speers Flooring in Oakville, ON (and expertly installed by Pro Floor Contractors, a preferred supplier of Speer’s).

Especially since the long-awaited transformation was made even more palatable by a Torlys fall flooring event rebate, that is on until Sunday November 22, 2015. If you’re in the market for a new floor, you’ll want to take a look at Torlys, Speer’s, Pro Floor Contractors – and this rebate!

torlys rebate details - saf affect

torlys everest elite american walnut boxes - saf affect

window area before - saf affect

torlys american walnut - saf affect

Just take a look at these beauties! While putting new floors into an entire, inhabited condo where there is nowhere to store anything away took the effort of moving house, it was all worth it. So was the extra effort and dust created by my request to remove the old, industrial looking patch of tile at the front door. I’m thrilled with the transformation from ‘before’ to ‘after’, the resulting continuous flooring and what it does for the visual flow in the space.

hall flooring befor & after - saf affect

I appreciated the care the installers took to not only protect my boxes and boxes of things and hoards of furniture that make an install like this challenging to work around, they also protected the public corridor leading from my unit to the elevator. Not mandated by my condo, but definitely appreciated by my condo’s management and board as well!

protecting while installing - saf affect

Packing up all of my worldly possessions also allows me to play with the furniture layout that I’d lived with for almost a decade. Now that I work from home full-time, I thought it is time to give priority to my desk placement in the windows, as that is where I spend the majority of my time at home. And look at that – I now have a corner office!

More unpacking to do, but I’ll be all settled in soon. Just in time to decorate for and entertain at Christmas.

desk setup A - saf affect

desk setup B - saf affect

11 Comments leave one →
  1. November 28 7:13 pm

    ooooh!! Lovely floors. Well done!!

    • November 29 7:17 am

      Thanks, Modmissy! And thanks for your points of view in what type of floor, where to install etc. Much appreciated!

  2. Debra permalink
    December 1 2:00 pm

    Wow, what a huge job! And what a transformation – it looks awesome!

  3. December 10 10:11 am

    What a difference! I bet you’re loving them!

    • December 10 10:13 am

      Thanks, Heather, I am! I have become a bit of a cleaning freak, now that I can see my floors are clean compared to the carpet the just hid all the dust. 😉

  4. May 18 3:40 am

    Wow, the difference is crazy! It turned out so great!

  5. cvkevents permalink
    November 7 7:44 pm

    What an amazing difference! I love how easy they make installing new flooring now. We are getting ready to tackle our kitchen floor. I loved the cork planks we installed, but they just didn’t hold up.

  6. November 8 6:53 am

    This is really giving me some great ideas for redoing my bedroom

  7. May 5 10:33 am

    Why, oh why do people cover floor boards! We have some that are beautiful jarrah and we were so surprised when we ripped up the hideous carpet!

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